I hav hunted w multiple tv guys - not all of them are great hunters - some are. They usually hav well above average spots

Nobody knows who the best is - he likely aint on here or on tv!! One guy on previous page said a lot - he basically said - lot of guys killing turkeys hav turkeys. Truth!!

Heard one say on kill thread he had 4 gobbling head off around noon - i was thinking - thats about how many diff ones i hav heard all year 🤣🤣 - my word 🤣🤣🤣. Could u imagine how stupid they would be at first light. I hav been on some good places - but never hav i been on a place good enough to hav 4 gobbling head off at noon - thats impressive and would b a barrel of fun!!! 🤣🤣 I am seeing 3 dead turkeys there pretty quick after the 3rd call n the 4th may get wise - seen that happen time r 2. 4 dead if they not grouped up

And if u lucky enough to tag out - stop hunting. Those guys need their butt beat - u only impressing yourself!!

Hunt the wind - leave it better than you found it - love your neighbor as you love your self
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