Originally Posted by Davyalabama
Turkey hunting or going to the Master's. Guess which one I chose? By the way, for several years in a row.

I did for years and now I regret never going to The Masters. My wife’s father lived for golf along with her family. They couldn’t understand me not wanting to go. They are all gone and she lost possession of the 4 family tickets for her family. Long story but not really. Anyways her grandfather on her mothers side was good friends with Bobby Jones. Her most embarrassing moment was her father telling Fuzzy he’s coming over the top, stay down and through the ball. She said fuzzy said a few choice words, shook his head and walked off. LOL
They always booked a house on the course and stay the week. Sell their tickets on Sunday to pay for the trip and head home to watch the last day in tv. One could see the final much better that way.

I played for UNA during the 80s and hit a long ball. Couldn’t score for squat, poor putter.

One of the few regrets I have.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan