When you think about it you really have to consider that Republicans have ZERO offense. Jesus can't really help us with that I don't think. Praying - not going to do much in that arena. Making better choices at the ballot box... That's something that can realistically happen although in Alabama that's still a far fetched idea IMO... that we would vote for someone other than who we are told.

Republicans should have gone into the African American communities years ago and started asking why they like living on the Democrat's plantation. They don't even try. There is no real message. At this point can we not start asking the African Americans why they are still in poverty after all the Obama promises and Biden, not to mention their Democrat run cities. It's not working for them. Trump had a message but the Republican party had ZERO message in 2016. That's why Trump won in the first place. And that is EXACTLY what brings us candidates like Trump. People are sick of the BS and want something different.

Example #2.... Ballot Harvesting. We all know Democrats have a serious ground game right now in terms of voting. Republicans are doing what again? Reading the writing on the wall but only still talking about catching up and doing their own Ballot Harvesting... at least until Trump gets nominated then I would predict 100% of nothing happens. They will try to lose. Again.

Republicans.... Where do they actually try? 8 years of Obama... just rolled over time and time again. Obama said they were going to shut down Government and they'd roll every single time. Then came Trump... and Republicans helped the Democrats. Where are we now? Same place.

Senate Republicans are the issue... The control of Campaign funds and the choke hold they have on the political party as a whole.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.