Originally Posted by ALMODUX
Lol….and Bell killed a lot of elephants with a 7x57 too….but I can think of a lot of reasons why it wouldn’t be my FIRST choice for that, or an’06 for a close brown bear. wink

Not mine either but for a one gun man can't think of a better choice than the 30 06. I say this as someone who owns several 308 caliber rifles and none of them are a 30 06.

And I knew a woman who passed a few years back that used a 7x57 to kill all of her African game, including a nice bull 🐘

Now if Hornady would make a 7.62 Creedmoor, that would be a game changer. rofl

Last edited by AU338MAG; 03/28/23 09:56 PM.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe