Originally Posted by capehorn24
Originally Posted by FurFlyin
I'm one that has ALWAYS said to pay off debt as fast as you could, BUT what kind of interest could you get on your money if you put it into an interest bearing account right now? You might get as much interest on your money, as the rate is on the loans you have. If so, then keep your money and let it make money.

Fur, it's hard to argue against the debt vs interest numbers you mentioned but, in my opinion it's a lot easier to amass wealth when you have no debt period. I know in our case we made it a point to get the house paid off ASAP but, also at the same time we never carried auto, cc or any other debit, if we couldn't pay for it, we didn't buy it. For the record never heard of Dave Ramsey until we were 100% free but, we did a lot of his teaches.

This! Ramsey did a fairly iron-clad study of millionaires-specifically how they achieve it. Out. Of 10,000 people in the study almost none did it through leveraging debt. Almost all got out of debt as soon as they could and began saving- living on less than they made.
Having no debt and money in the bank is like no other feeling in the world.