GME you are correct on all counts
I dont care if the man tweets or pops off at the msm
I know if Trump says something is up he's telling the truth and if he's mocking someone he knows something and this has been proven time after time
People have a short memory about the things he did for this country and was battered every day of his presidency for it
Along comes a man that is doing basically the same thing Trump did but with a little more tact and he's the greatest thing since sliced bread
As Ive said before I'm very cautious about anything DeSantis because of his relationship with John Bolton who has huge investments in the MIC and is making millions right now as I suspect DeSantis is
Why is Bolton going to run for president if he backs DeSantis ? Theres only one obvious answer

Last edited by deadeye48; 03/23/23 06:13 AM.

When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be