I will vote for Trump in the primary based on his achievements as President.

If it comes out between now and then that he fuels his metabolism by eating fawns and puppies, I'll still vote for him. I'm all about the results, and could not care less about trivial details like name calling. I'm prone to use derogatory terms to describe people I don't respect as well, and if I was president or had Trump's money, I would probably be worse than he is. Also haven't heard him use many that I disagree with. Way too many swamp critters that don't get called out.

When he was in office, we had zero issues with any foreign bad actors. They all knew to toe the line, lest they get smacked. AS IT SHOULD BE!

If he happens to lose the primary, I will vote for whoever runs against the dumbocrat that gets through the primary.

Last cycle, there was not a single democrat that I would have voted for regardless of who the republican candidate was, and I haven't identified one since that I would vote for. They are all in favor of abortion, higher taxes, and gun control.

All babies are precious gifts from God, all taxation is THEFT, and God gave me the right to defend myself with whatever tools I choose to utilize. These are beliefs that I will carry to my grave.