Originally Posted by Young20
Originally Posted by Fattyfireplug
Originally Posted by daylate
Originally Posted by Fattyfireplug
Trump cult.

Hmm, I have heard that label somewhere before. Where was it? Oh, that's right, the Democrats use that constantly.

In the unlikely event you're deaf or dumb, it's not just the democrats. I've never been mistaken for one. However, I'm a mature adult conservative that leans libertarian. I watched and formed a strong dislike for Trump well before he ran for office. I've seen nothing to change my opinion of the man. I can support some of his policies (but not all) and respect his love for this country, which is surpassed only by his love for himself. When he lashes out at Desantis and other conservatives, he shows his true colors. He doesn't care for anything more than himself. He never takes the high road. He always takes the low road, and takes childish shots at everyone, regardless of their political standing. To him Desantis is no different that Hillary, even though Desantis would likely be his best supporter to bring him votes if he endorsed Trump. Instead he resorts to childish names. All democrats and a large contingent of republicans can't stand him for those very reasons. Lets ignore democrat / republicans. Lets talk Liberal / Swing / Conservative. Liberals hate him. 100% of them. Conservatives are tired of him, probably at the rate of 30% or more. Swing voters make the difference ONLY if the GOP turn out near 100% and that's not gonna happen with Trump. Too many will sit on the sidelines because he's alienated them. And he will destroy the next best option if challenged. That's who he is. Those who make excuses for Trump are a CULT. That's a cold hard fact. If he changed and ran as a democrat, his followers would vote for him. So Trump Cult isn't a name. It's a description and frankly it's one that fits. There are cult followings on both sides of the political spectrum. Lemmings on both sides. Sheep on both sides. Traitors and turncoats on both sides. Dumbarses on both sides. When you're in the middle and step back to take a wide view of things, there isn't a hell of a lot of difference between the two political sides. Just a difference on what they want Government to impose on everyone.

I consider myself an independent and will vote for the candidate I feel is best for America. If the 2024 election comes down to be between Trump and Biden, I will 'step back to take a wide view of things'. Those things will be what Trump did in 4 years and what Biden did in his time in office. It ain't looking good for Biden! I could give a rat's arse about the political grandstanding during the runup to elections. You know, that old "sticks and stones" thing. Anyone that looks objectively at the actual results for America, of the policies of the two presidencies, should have an easy choice. Conversely, anyone that bases their vote on irrelevant "childish comments" and not actual results should consider a different process. A person's vote is too important to waste by basing it on things totally unimportant to the eventual outcome for our country.

I think every sane person in this site understands the difference between primaries and general elections. I think we all agree there is a stark difference as you've described. I think we all agree we'd vote Trump over Biden. But most voters don't participate on this site. That's the problem many fail to understand. We live in a bubble just like those idiots in California and New York do. Just a different bubble.

Character is not developed in moments of temptation and trial. That is when it is intended to be used.