Originally Posted by Squeaky
I was going to share some pictures with y’all but I can’t get post image to load my pictures 🤷🏻‍♂️

Anyway I caught 5 coons and 2 possums during my week of trapping. Since I cleaned up the varmints I had around feeders last time home it was extremely slow for the amount of DP’s I had out. I had to set on fresh sign to catch the few I did.

Now for the good stuff. After watching hours and hours of trapping videos on YouTube I set my first 8 foot hold trap’s I have ever set in my life Wednesday and Thursday. I have a lot more than 8 traps but I quickly learned it is work setting those things!! I had every intention of setting more but weather forecast kept calling for rain so I decided to go with what I already had set. I caught a bobcat Friday and caught my first song dog this morning. It was probably beginners luck, but I hope not. I have confidence in my trap setting ability now. I’ll get serious about it moving forward 😉

Once you figure out what not to do you will be in the dogs....keep up the good work

When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be