I’m from Arkansas. We have been dicking with late openers and changing season dates for 15 years. We don’t have any more turkeys now than 5,10, or 15 years ago.

Our farm was where turkeys were stocked (in our area) in the mid 80’s with an agreement to not hunt for 5 years. The explosion in the early to mid 90’s was something I’ll never see again. Granted I was young then.
Once the food chain and everything stabilized out in the mid 2000’s, our population is largely the same as now.
I think when your turkey population gets to that point, it takes timber cutting/habitat improvement and trapping to bolster any population.

I don’t have any damn issue with doing whatever it takes to have turkeys to hunt in the future for my boys.
My problem lies in the fact that Chamberlain came along with his delayed season agenda in a time when people were thirsty for an answer and drank his kool aid by the gallon. Everyone jumped on his ideas like it was last call at quitting time and there was still a 3.5 hanging out in the bar.

But everything Chamberlain said, Arkansas had been doing for a decade at that point.
If we need to start season later then fine. But don’t take something away we will never get back if it’s not necessary or won’t have an affect.
I think Chamberlain is an intelligent guy, but am very glad we have other biologists stepping up to the plate.

Last edited by bayouturkey; 03/07/23 10:30 PM.