Originally Posted by turkey247
Gobbler - do you know how far the detection units can hear? You mentioned something that referenced maybe as well as a human ear - concerning distance.

Can we assume better on cold crisp mornings and worse on windy afternoons, etc.? And I’m guessing 14 units per 3 zones.

Maybe the full report isn’t available, just curious.

I have been told as far or similar to human hearing. 1/2-3/4 mile on a good morning? Hard to tell and it undoubtedly varies but the units are consistent day to day. They are trying to get even amounts on public and private land in similar "zones". Work in progress.

Originally Posted by SharpSpur

Also I don't think these studies have "made up" results. I just wish my experiences (as many of you do wish) would line up with these papers. How in the world they pick the roamers to wear radios is crazy and then miss all the homers on our places?

You, as well as many others, have "special" birds that don't conform to the years of research and thousands of radio-tagged turkeys. wink Ask PCP about the dam turkey!

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine