Originally Posted by Atoler
Here’s my conflict with these results. The distance from mobile to the Tennessee line is almost the same change in latitude, as the Tennessee line to the southern border of Pennsylvania/ Indianapolis/ northern Missouri, etc……. So at what latitudinal change can we see a variation?

Again. There is no conflict with results. They are what they are. Same with radio- telemetry. I hear folks all the time tell me their turkeys (deer or quail, etc) don't do that. "my turkeys roost in the same area all season and have home ranges of a couple hundred acres at most". Telemetry tells a different story. Sorry. Every turkey that gets a radios hung on it has home ranges in the thousands of acres and gobblers roost in different areas almost daily, sometimes hundreds of yards apart night after night. The results are here simply that these recording units scattered on properties form north to south in AL recorded these gobbling turkeys at these times. Thats it!

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine