So what could be happening here for a lot of folks to show similar nesting dates across the southeast is that this current long term warming trend we’re in has the gobblers getting fired up earlier and earlier the farther south you go……..and they are getting farther and farther ahead of the hen start button being pushed. Maybe we’re to the point of the whole state being backed up behind the “start” button threshold so to speak. Maybe as you mover farther and farther north into Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, etc…..somewhere you pass a line where later this spring the hens will be ready and waiting on the gobblers to fire up. Warming and cooling trends move that line north and south over time. Just a theory……..It would be a good way for nature to balance out the whole process of weather/climate fluctuations over time on a large scale.

Last edited by CNC; 03/05/23 09:54 AM.

We dont rent pigs