Originally Posted by TexasHuntress
How much of what you tree guys cut down could be donated for firewood? That is just an idea. I am sure there are some of the debris that isn't useful for that, but maybe you could find out how many mens' groups are involved in the area churches and see if any of them would be interested in starting a firewood ministry of sorts (be willing to cut it up into useable lengths, stack it/load it/deliver it, etc). I am sure it would help some of the older folks out who are on fixed incomes who cannot go out and cut their own any more and it would give you a place to at least offload some of what you need to dispose of. As for what wouldn't make good firewood, do you have room on your farm to have a dedicated burn pile for it?

i sell firewood around montgomery and every tree service i ask about getting trees from dropped at my house looks at me like im crazy. i dont get it, they get rid of junk trees for free and i get trees to process into firewood.