Originally posted by Out back:
Originally posted by Hogwild:
[b] I have absolutely no idea....opinion or scientific....why a deer (much less 3?) with a hole completely through his chest cavity and vital organs would not bleed.

They do bleed ... inside.
That "Impressive Entry" ain't worth a donut hole without an "Impressive Exit".

A funnel ain't nothing more than a cone shaped Jug if ain't open on both ends. [/b]
You're usually pretty sharp; but you're slipping! LOL

You must have missed the parts where he said he hit them 'right in the bread basket' and then recovered the bloodied arrows.

But, maybe all 3 just stuck in the heart, then fell out on the ground????? :p

Take internet postings for what they are worth.......NOTHING......is my honest opinion......LOL wink