Originally Posted By: cartervj
Originally Posted By: jlccoffee
Originally Posted By: cartervj

Had an hr long talk with a co worker that LIKES to claim himself as an Anarchist, it doesn't work period, never will, cause as he said, people won't allow it cause of greed, so some sort of rule must be in place. But a premise it's a great idea, like socialism he said.

I don't believe in anarchy and I know what you are saying about greed. Look at the growth of the deer herd under the buck a day regulation and tell me where greed was limiting the growth of the deer herd. Look at the move toward QDM both before and since the buck limit....we were already moving in the right direction. If we had been wiping out the deer like happened in the market hunting days, sure...we would need a regulation. We weren't even anywhere close to that and in fact people were moving toward better trigger control on their own. Just the way the system is supposed to work.

can't argue against that, but not all hunters feel the same way, there in lies the issue

will we loose our deer herd under buck a day limits, no
did it cause skewed sex ratios, yes

is that good or bad for the health of the herd?

mother nature kicks in when it needs, outbreaks of EHD come about more often or more intense

so in my belief a buck limit as we have helps to force more does shot and a better balanced deer herd, which is as 49er posts if I read correctly is a form of perpetuation of the species

Didn't you see how many people were already moving toward QDM. People already saw the advantages. Did they need the government for that? No.

Look at BSK's post again...I think it was in another thread. The people were doing what needed to be done. All it needed was a little time.