Originally Posted By: truedouble
Originally Posted By: jlccoffee
Originally Posted By: JUGHEAD
Originally Posted By: jlccoffee
I have never killed more than 3 bucks in Alabama but I liked the old limit better.

Many people believe in limited government intervention and that the role of government should be regulation only where necessary and allowing the people to make choices beyond that with their local knowledge.

Others think it is best for the government to supply the answers through regulation and central planning.

You one of those?
In a case where a selfish, irresponsible's individual's actions can affect the quality of hunting for many other folks in a given locale, WHILE not affecting the quality of hunting for 96% of licensed hunters....all day and twice on Sunday. The simple fact is that the overwhelming majority of Alabama's deer hunters do not have sole deer hunting rights to hundreds and certainly not thousands of acres. Folks who do are the exception and not the rule (you know that, and I know that, and anybody who is intellectually honest knows that) and as a result, they're situation should not drive subsequent regulation.

As I've said before, I personally would not have a bit of problem if the state exempted individuals from the 3 buck limit if they can prove that doing so will not significantly affect the buck population in an invidual locale (ex. a person who has sole hunting rights on a 1000 acres).

Ya'll continue to act like restricting someone's allowable buck harvest to a "ridiculous" ONLY 3 allowed is on the same infrigement upon individual rights plain as attempts at restricting gun ownership, or further taxation of millions of working Americans, or Obamacare, etc. Ya'll just sound like a bunch of whiney, dramatic women when you make such leaps.

And that's how it starts. Do you also think it is ridiculous to allow clips that hold 30 rounds? Lots of people do. What about 29 rounds, 28 rounds.

The simple fact is the overwhelming majority of people will never find themself in a situation where they need a 30 round magazine. Those few that do should not be the ones to drive regulation should they?

People are quick to give up the liberties of the few when it doesn't effect them. Pretty soon someone wants you to give up something that does effect you.

It's not about deer. It's about a model of government.

don't confuse gun rights with game limits. Either oppose ALL laws or accept that some laws are necessary and some laws might need to be amended due to changes. It's completely acceptable to be ultra conservative, NRA card carrying, Republican, Tea Party member, etc. and still think that a 3 buck limit is a good thing. wink 9er loves to think otherwise but he even knows he is blowing smoke

I think pretty much everyone knows he's blowin' smoke. laugh

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.