Here are the numbers going back to 1985. I added trend lines to make it easier. As you can see the total number of hunters has been trending downward since 1999 (not just since the dog hunting and 3 buck limit issues). Total number of deer killed has been trending down since 2003-2004. Total number of bucks killed per hunter has been trending down since 2000 (again not since the 3 buck limit although there was a decrease that year. The doe harvest peaked in 2005-2006 but look at the trend BEFORE QDM became more prevalent. 49r this goes completely against what you have said about QDM being about shooting every doe. If that was the case you would have seen a HUGE increase in 2008.

I also found it interesting that the larger drops in harvest numbers coincided with the economic issues that have effected 90% of us. Did the 3 buck limit affect buck harvest per person? YES but I believe economic conditions played a part as well. Since 2008 the trend on buck harvest is moving back up so the next two years will tell us if it has had a long term impact on shooting bucks in general.