Originally Posted by CNC
Do y'all think there are any females being bred in the spring at the age of 7-8 months old????

Ive never seen any does that young around here having babies. Cant say its never happened but ive never seen it and i do look. Alot of times in the fall we see a big doe leading around a smaller doe and a baby. Never see the big doe and smaller doe both with a baby. We do have twins occasionally but not mich, but they always belong to the big doe. Sometimes might even be a couple big does running with a smaller one or two. I have noticed too that the groups of does dont seem to get along real good sometimes. Alot of times one group will leave the feeder when another group approaches. I just assumed they are in competition. But i have also seen a doe leave one group and go to another group and run with them. Also seen a group walk clear across a field to pick up a single doe then go right back the way they came from, i figured maybe they got separated the night before or something, that always happens in the morning if it happens. I really enjoy watching these groups of does but i have a hard time figuring out exactly why they do what they do.