Yes to all three. My first trip to Wyoming, I was walking down a trail and three bucks stood up from a brush pile at about thirty steps. I just raised my rifle and shot the first one I saw. Down he goes and the others took off, clean shot right through the neck. I walk over and he is thrashing around hung up in the brush and then goes still, then I made a rookie mistake. I layed my rifle down and got my camera (no cell phones back then) out to take some pictures. About the time I get over to him, he jumps up and starts running sideways at about three quarter speed. By the time I got to my rifle and raised it, he was gone. I tracked him for about a mile and never found him. Back then I was shooting 130 grain silvertips in my 270. I'm convinced the bullet went straight through with no expansion and it took him a second to get over the concussion of the hit and then he was gone. Learned a lot on that trip.