Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by Frankie
Originally Posted by CNC
Meanwhile the overall population across the state continues to decline.....Keep on shooting them though....nothing to see here.

For this topic that reply make no sense

Something that isnt being taken into consideration with this conversation is that when you zoom out and look at the landscape from 30,000 ft we’re not dealing with an evenly distribute population of males and females…….Yhe female populations exist in the areas best suited to raise fawns…… ……With coyotes being widely distributed and populated it makes it where only certain “stands” of habitat really support deer production…..Bucks on the other hand often gravitate toward the secondary habitats once dispersed and are much more capable of occupying more of the map than does. This is simply because does are restricted to living where there is fawning habitat while bucks are not……Successful reproduction of more deer is dependent on the fawning hotspots

If you have a property which is a productive property for does to give birth and raise fawns……all you are doing by shooting a bunch of them is reducing the number of future bucks being produced for the bigger area.

Yeah , but the does on a spot gotta eat . Poor health gonna affect fawn rates. Sate and the people that hunt the other spots can worry about the numbers there