Originally Posted by Teacher One
Irish-The two I have were found over 50 years ago by my farming family. I found my first one while I was in grade school. Probably 8 or 9 years old. To my family, they were simply Indian rocks. I was the only member in the entire family that was even interested in my Native American Heritage. A thousand-an-inch means exactly what it says they are, a thousand-an-inch in dollars MINIMUM. Collectors with money pay big money for relics. I saw a white pipe that was shaped like a bald Eagle sell for 32,000 over 20 years ago. I have no problem with finding relics in a farming operation, washed creek, etc but when it comes to the robbing of the burials I am totally against it. Most on here have no idea what folks will do to dig up relics. Like I stated earlier, There is huge money in relics today.

Thank you for clarifying your stance. I understand.

If I found an "arrow head" on my property I would probably keep it too. My best friend just turned 80 and he has quite a few Native American and Civil War relics, he is in the process of donating most of them to museums for posterity sake.