I saw two bucks get into a serious fight a couple of weeks ago. Big mature bully 5 pt and a younger 9 pt. They both changed colors when their hair stood up and they started licking their chops and walking like zombies posturing at each other. The 9 pt turned away then quickly turned back and drilled the 5 pt head on. The 5 pt took the hit then pushed the 9 pt backwards at high speed and ended up flipping him on his back. The 9 pt laid there for on his back about 30 seconds and I thought "oh no, he is paralyzed". Finally he gets up and runs off.

Another time, here in FL I was sitting my food plot one morning in late January when an odd colored little doe with a white patch on her side walks out of the woods into the plot at 11 am. A line of bucks proceeds out behind her. The 5th one was a mature heavy 8 pt and I did not wait to see what was coming next. Two days later the same doe walks out rat 7:30 am and I can see a big deer in the woods behind her. He peeks out, sees the shooting house and wheels back into the pines. He starts to walk away but I find a hole to shoot through and let him have it. After an hour looking in the wrong spot for blood, I stumble on a drop closer to the stand than I thought he was. It turns into a short trail and there stands the little doe beside a dead 11 pt. She hops away and I go admire the buck which was a real dandy for this area. I leave to go get my truck and when I get back, that little doe is standing there with him again. She did not want to leave him. I load him up and go wait at our sign in board for somebody to come out and see this great buck. I just have to tell somebody so I get on the phone with a buddy who is at work. Shortly into the conversation, I look up to see a big 8 pt standing in the road. My gun is cased and I whisper I've gotta go and hang up. About the time I manage to unzip the gun case, he runs off. I cuss myself and call my buddy back. Then I look up and there is an even bigger buck crossing the road in the same spot! No, I did not get a shot off at him either. I was about 500 yards as the crow flies from my food plot and I am betting that same little doe crossed the road there right before I pulled up.

Last edited by daylate; 11/28/22 08:51 PM.