I was riding home from a buddy's house, drinking some Wild Turkey and smokin' some Cubans. Had a pretty good buzz too. On the dirt road we live on, I see a big doe just chillin' on the side of the road. She's layin' down looking at me as I drive past. I stop and back up. She's still lookin' at me. I back the truck up about another 10 yards not wanting to get too close and get out of the truck. I didn't understand why a perfectly good deer would just lay there.

"Hey girl, what's up?"

Then I see she's trying to move, but her hip must be broken. No signs of any exterior damage. I go back in the truck pull out my 9mm, and say "Sorry girl." Put one right between the eyes.

I took her home and made some badass chocolate chipotle chili out of her. I think the only thing I have left of her is some tenderloin. I'm going to fry that up and make some homemade biscuits in a couple of weekends.

Last edited by Irishguy; 11/28/22 06:12 PM.