75 million people voted for Trump. I feel certain Trump votes were switched for Biden. With 2 more years of this poop show, people will be ready for change.

Republicans in the house will not be able to do anything with Hunter or anyone else. To prosecute requires the justice department, and they are clearly in the pocket of the dem's. What they can do is put out the evidence that crimes have been committed and let people see that and get irritated nothing is being done, and that would help.

Huckabee and another guy says if Trump runs his campaign like his speech last night, he wins. I agree. He needs to compare and contrast his vision for the country versus the dem's. Trump speaks of the good things, the dem's instill fear. People want hope. They want to feel like things will get better.

But I also agree, I don't care who the candidate is, if the cheating isn't handled, its going to be a tough election. The only possible way I can see dealing with it is if the turnout is so high, they can't cheat because they would have to exceed the number of registered voters by to big a number for it to be ignored.

I think the way to fix the cheating is grass roots state level changes. Dem's out, conservatives in.