Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by SouthBamaSlayer
Originally Posted by GomerPyle

If Donald Trump is on the general election ballot for 2024, whether as a Rep or Ind, a Democrat will be the next POTUS. someone feel free to save this post because you can take it to the bank.

(Note: I absolutely, truly, hope I am wrong)

Yep. I pray to God he loses in the primaries.

The problem with that is if he loses the Rep primary he may very well run as an Ind which would only split Rep votes. Either way it’s a Lose-Lose. I don’t know what the “answer” is…

If Trump were to lose the primary then declare to run as an independent, then everyone would know for sure that Trump is more about himself and not about doing what’s best for the country. I’m not sure he would, but if he did do that, he legacy would be gone and the hatred for him from RINOs, Dems, and independents would immediately spread amongst his current supporters. Whoever the R is that gets the nomination gets my vote. Trump, Desantis, or someone else. Defeating the Dems is too important not to. I hope the libertarians on here and across the country feel that way too.

May not can run Dem or Repub and the as a independent after the primary process . I'd think he'd have to mount a write in campaign. I think you would have file papers to run independent well in advance of the conventions. I might be all wrong on that though.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.