Originally Posted by Fishhead706
Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by Fishhead706
Funny, there was never really talk of massive election conspiracies until the 2020 election…

I guess you believe Obama got a record number of votes fair and square? I guess you believe killery was in absolute disbelief she lost the election just because the pre election polls said she would win. You and millions more like you really need to open your eyes. Globalist have controlled our elections for quite a while now. Trump should have never been president. He just got a few more votes than they expected.

What I believe are thoughts like what you expressed are straight BS and pushing out those theories might pass the smell test in an area of group think, but are just small pieces of truth put together for a narrative. I stay pretty informed. You coming on Aldeer(Alabama Deer Hunting forum) and telling people to open their eyes??? Just stop, or not, but divisive rhetoric does nothing to help the country or the Republican party.

Ignorance does nothing to help either. And I have no idea where you get your info from as you are staying "well informed", which does not exist in America in 2022, theres no such thing as "well informed". Surely you have noticed one news source will say what you believe and present facts to back it up, the next news source will say the opposite and produce more facts to back up their claims. So who is right? Who is telling the truth? So lets talk about Obama. Since we cant believe anything were told, lets think about it logically. 13% of America voted for him because they are black and hes black(probably less because that number accounts for children too)...... 13% voted against him because theyre racist and would never vote for any black person.... Sound about right so far? Thay leaves about 3/4 of the country to vote for who they believe is best. And you think more than half of them picked Obama? Guess what, Hispanics dont particularly like blacks either, i doubt they overwhelmingly voted for him. And to be honest, voting for a black socialist would probably leave a pretty bad taste in most white peoples mouth, even if theyre not racist. You just go right ahead and stay "well informed".but the information theyre giving you just dont make sense to a reasonably intelligent human being who can see whats going on around them.