Had several respond through the years but only killed one.

The one I killed was 3 years ago. It was right around the end of January and I was hunting an area that had a bunch of wateroaks that were still dropping a few acorns. About 4PM I got a pic of a big 9 pt off of a camera that was 200 yards from me. The deer wasn't headed my way so I grabbed a rattle bag out of my pack and rattled as loud as possible for a full 5 minutes. Around 20 minutes later I heard a little noise in the thicket on the downwind side of me and then the 9 pt. popped out and gave me a 15 yard shot. I put a Rage through him and watched him flop. It had been thundering in the distance the whole time and the bottom fell out shortly after he hit the ground.

I always have that rattle bag and a good grunt call with me now.