Two years ago I was going hunting behind my parents house one afternoon. I’d never killed a deer with my bow from the ground and I had decided to try it that day so I went to one of our food plots and got hid good in a brushy low spot on the edge of the field. About halfway through the afternoon I heard something come trotting up behind me on the other side of the brush and I knew it was a coyote from the sound of the footsteps. It got right up behind me, downwind, at about 10yds and started barking/yipping. Then it proceeded to circle me and raise cain for the better part of 30mins. I was pissed that I had left my pistol in the truck and was fully prepared to go one on one with an arrow in hand against this coyote. He finally left and quieted down but I slipped on out of there before it got good and dark.