Been lucky and not had anything major.

Had an owl swoop down at me when I was turkey hunting, sitting at the base of a tree. Bout shucks myself when he did that.

Some time in the late '80s, my pop was on a stump turkey hunting and calling when he caught something out of the corner of his eye moving toward him slowly. It was a bobcat. Pop had his shotgun in his lap and killed it in mid-air as it was jumping at him. When he brought that cat to the cabin, it was the first time I got to see a bobcat. He should have mounted it.

Got turned around in the swamp one night looking for a deer. I knew the direction I came in and how to get out, but my mind was playing tricks on me and was telling me I was lost. Had a Q-beam and got up on a fallen tree. Thankfully it caught the corner of a reflector on my truck.

Was walking down a logging road one evening and something got up just off the road. No clue what it was, but I knew it was big and heavy. It moved off slowly and acted like nothing I had ever heard in the woods. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up on end. Glad I had a rifle in hand. Never saw whatever it was.

I saw a big cat with two cubs in Mathews in Montgomery County in the early 1990s plain as day with my own eyes, probably 75 yards away. Would pass a polygraph on that one if administered.