Originally Posted by slippinlipjr
Thoughts.....long post. Please read. A friend said I ought to post this here so here it is. The next few days you are going to see pictures circulating around Social Media. Mega death cane making landfall in Pensacola. DO NOT believe a word of it this is all hype to make you share the post. This is why my facebooks is set to private. Trust me, the model output of 98L is worrying me a bit but we won't have a decent grasp on the situation until the system is in the Western Caribbean. This storm very well could go east of us here in Lower Bama. One thing is for sure.....it will go into the gulf at some point if it does develop in the next few days. There is a lot of uncertainty there too. Once it makes it's way to the western Caribbean it will have more fuel to work with than Katrina did. The gulf is HOT currently. Bath water hot. Our only saving grace may be a cold front that dips down and brings some dry air that could get sucked into it before it makes landfall. However, Michael in 2018 was able to fend off this dry air in a similar scenario. Michael had the same bath water and low shear environment to work with. Hopefully more shear will exist with a lingering trough next week. The point is, anywhere from Southeast Texas to Key West will more than likely experience a storm named Hermine or Ian not this weekend but next. It very well could be a big one. Again, it may not develop, all we have to rely on currently is computer models that show a storm genesis but without a well defined center they basically run to momma (The Hunt For Red October). This weekend to make sure anything that can blow away won't. Take pictures of your house and property. If you have a generator get it running. Make sure a chainsaw is running and the blade is sharp. My post about working on my own generators should have been a clue.

Your post is basically like the world is ending Facebookers that you are calling out.

The computer models are their for a reason, preparation. Every major meteorologist in the country uses them, they are there to warn/educate the people. Preparation is key. Earlier the better.

Key points, it will be in the Gulf, nobody's knows where it's going, and yes it will most likely be a biggun.

I do agree that their are a few FB meteorologists (most are actually degree'd meteorologists) that spread fear/hype for likes/shares. But this potential storm shouldn't be taken likely.

Originally Posted by Johntravis89
There is 2 different high fence. 1 small and one big! Mine was free range in the big pen and was not a breeder buck. Why does it have to be twisted around??