Originally Posted by turkey247
Originally Posted by Ben2
Originally Posted by turkey247
Summary. Trapping is trapping. Hunting is hunting. Any state allowing hog hunting has no concern for the damage they cause.

Sounds like some anti hunting propoganda.

You need to roll that around in your head a little more. You pretty much just proved what I’ve been saying for the sake of a one liner. You want to constrain turkey season and limit harvest. Seems like you trap hogs - and we agree with that plan.

Unwanted species vs native species with a hunting heritage that runs deep around here.

No sir I want more Turkeys, I want what turkey hunting used to be so the kids growing up now wont have to listen to us say we used to hear 10 turkeys a morning when they only hear 1. I dont beleive I have ever stated I wanted to constrain a season or limit harvest. But I dont whine when they change the season dates and claim they stole days from me. I am for whatever actually helps turkey populations and am open to what experts say. I am no expert and experts may be proven wrong over time, if so I will be the first to state whatever they tried failed and be happy to see a next option tried until we get it to something that solves the population problem.