Im not talking about the queer or the tree hugger in the prius or the woke hoodrat, im talking about that aunt of yours who "voted democrat all my life and im voting democrat in november". That neighbor of yours who seems to be just like you but come this fall will have a democrat sign in their yard. That person who will talk with you all through the year and agrees with you just about every time on every issue. How does a person get through to them? Im not worried the flaming queers and the woke crowd, theyll vote democrat all the way to hell. They are doing their best to make this country as vile and corrupt as they are, that way they can feel normal and at home. There is very little hope for them people, no hope outside of a divine intervention. But that democrat neighbor has to eventually see what theyre a part of and take the high road. I have family that fit this category. People who would do anything in the world for you. Im pretty concerned for them. Im not too big into politics. I am very much into right and wrong and doing my best to be on the good side. I believe all politicians are dirty as underwear youve worked in for a week. But there is definitely a lesser of two evils here.