If you or anyone you know is in a dark place, please reach out for help or be available to assist someone who needs help.

We received some devastating news yesterday that our favorite server where we eat lunch in east Montgomery about 3 times a week, took her life Monday afternoon.

This sweet, bubbly, cute, energetic, and delightful young lady seemed to be doing well in life. She had some struggles in life that most of us would never have but she always seemed to overcome and absolutely seemed to be in a good place. We never in our wildest nightmare would have thought she was struggling to this point. We had all kinds of conversations with her about so many things. Janet and her just hit it off from the start had an almost mother/daughter kind of connection. We are truly heartbroken but Janet is just absolutely devastated. She waited on us last Thursday and with her sweet smile she told me I should try some Tabasco on my chicken and dumplings. I did and it was quite good! No idea that would be the last time we would see her.

She evidently had some demons in her life that she could not shake. I often wonder if she (and others) had just waited another minute... We'll never know what kind of darkness she was experiencing, but I hope she knew how much light she brought to our life just with a simple task of bringing our lunch to the table and keeping my water glass filled.

Y'all send up a prayer for a sweet soul named Emily. Her co-workers and her family need some prayers. We know she was a believer and I pray that she is resting in the arms of Jesus now and experiencing his grace, warmth, and light. We will miss her terribly.

Thanks and God bless.

Last edited by bamaeyedoc; 08/10/22 11:37 AM.

AKA: “Dr. B”
Aldeer #121
Proud alum of AUM, UAB, and UA
Member of Team 10 Point
2023-2024 ALdeer Deer Contest Winners

Glennis Jerome "Jerry" Harris
UGA Class of 1960
BS/MS Forestry