Originally Posted by jaderhold
When I was summoned, there was a pretty large crowd in the court room. Judge asked everyone that had a valid excuse to not serve to come up individually and explain. About half the people there, one by one, came up and he recorded who they were and excused them no questions asked or debate. When that was done, he explained to the ones that stayed there were no jury cases that week and we had filled our obligation and were dismissed. He said for the ones that left, they would be re-summoned in the next few months. We got a good laugh out of that.

Kinda same thing happened last time i was summoned, except they did pull a grand jury out of us. But they said the same after those chosen for grand jury were gone from the room that we were good to go and the ones that requested to leave would be re-summoned. smile

The harder I practice, the luckier I get.