Originally Posted by Mbrock
I don’t know if some of you understand the implications of what just took place. With 87,000 more IRS agents and an FBI who hates conservatism and liberty loving people, this could get real interesting. It’s coming to a home near you and you’d better be prepared. This has far surpassed the need to practice constitutional rights. They’re coming for us in Americas heartland. This is an effort to quiet the opposition and strike fear in our hearts. It’s going to blow up HUGE in their faces. People are getting to the point they’re not going to take it any more.

Correction - People are getting to the point where they're going to SAY they are not going to take it anymore. There is nothing anyone can/will do other than vote. Americans will never take up arms if that is what you are suggesting.

The Things You Remember in Life aren't Things at all.