Originally Posted by low wall
Boykins were oddities 20 years ago, and like any other breed that suddenly becomes popular starting with a limited pool, there are a fair number of dogs now that don't have the qualities that made the breed popular in the first place. You'll have to do your research. Also, as others have mentioned, they tend to be "soft" in comparison with a lab..Not that they aren't game in the field, but it takes a more patient and light touch training a spaniel. Springers and Cockers are similar. Delightful dogs for what they are, but if you are looking for an all round duck dog, they ain't generally it. And before somebody jumps in about his cousin's friend's brother's dog in Nebraska, yes, there are exceptions to every rule.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan