Originally Posted by Frankie
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by Frankie
I call the store when I waited at clanton wal mart one time . Lady said some one be there In a few when they didn't come I called again and again . Waited over a hour

Whyinthecornbreadhell would you wait an HOUR??

Go to customer service after three minutes and get on someone's ass.

You could have driven to any number of locally owned stores in the amount of time you wasted waiting on someone who doesn't give a chit at Walmarks.

Support your local gun stores. They WILL give you better service.

I was talking b to the service desk . Lol

And you still waited for an HOUR!!

I wouldn't wait 10 minutes. My time is far more valuable.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe