Originally Posted by BPI

We understand that you don't eliminate abortions by making them illegal. That's not the issue. We also don't eliminate murder by making it illegal. But how many more murders would we see if murder, in general, were legal ? Have you ever seen The Purge ? It would be like that. Abortion SHOULD be illegal regardless of what people will choose to do outside of the law. Why ? It's taking human life. Instead of thinking about who would still get an abortion if they were made illegal. Let's think about the millions of lives that would be saved if it were.

No, never seen The Purge. I do think abortion will rise if we have some states that allow it and some that do not. If all states ban it, which will not happen, then I do think abortion goes down, drastically. Talk to any DHR worker today, we have a massive foster care problem in Alabama and other states. There are just not families lining up to take care of unwanted children. The folks that do step up are at times.. not that great.

If my daughter is gang raped I would want her to have the option to not have the child as a result of the rape. And doctors can do that very quickly by monitoring her after the incident.

Now if she chose to keep the baby, fine it will be loved as my other grandkids. But I want her to have that option.