Originally Posted by bama_earl
Originally Posted by Lockjaw

That is already available. She can take her newborn and drop it off at any hospital or fire dept no questions asked. She can get WIC to help with her nutritional needs and the unborn childs. There are all sorts of charities to help in this sort of situation too. Like Sav a life. There are plenty of people willing to adopt. I work with 2 different people who have adopted children.

Rather than finding a way to make an abortion accessible, we should be finding a way to value the sanctity of life. But that isn't going to happen when everyone wants to find some loophole or way to justify having one.

100% agree. Abortion is not the answer in 95% of abortions. My wife and I had a child in our teens and we had limited support from our families. We chose to have our child and do the best we could and it worked out. We did use govt assistance like WIC to help us. We are so glad we chose life and not the other options. We really never even considered those options.

By keeping it legal we remove the "underground abortions" that were huge in the 1940s and 1950s. You don't actually eliminate abortions by making it illegal that's something people don't understand. They think if there is a law then people will just obey, it's not true. We see that with guns and drugs.

We understand that you don't eliminate abortions by making them illegal. That's not the issue. We also don't eliminate murder by making it illegal. But how many more murders would we see if murder, in general, were legal ? Have you ever seen The Purge ? It would be like that. Abortion SHOULD be illegal regardless of what people will choose to do outside of the law. Why ? It's taking human life. Instead of thinking about who would still get an abortion if they were made illegal. Let's think about the millions of lives that would be saved if it were.