Originally Posted by Lonster
Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge:

8:00am Leave hotel/condo/cabin and get in SLOW traffic on way to breakfast

8:30am in line for breakfast with a 1 hour wait

9:30 seated at table

10:40 leave restaurant

1:20 minutes to do what you want before lunch

Noon in line at restaurant to eat, 1 hour wait

1:00pm seated

2:15pm leave restaurant

3 hours 45 minutes to stand in long lines and crawl through traffic until you get in line to eat supper/dinner

6:00pm in line at restaurant with 1:45 wait

9:15pm leave restaurant

Crawl in traffic to next destination.

In a 12 hour day you will spend the majority of it in traffic, waiting in lines and waiting to eat. Not my cup of tea.
You’ll easily spend 6 hours per day waiting in line to eat, waiting to order your food, waiting to be served your food that you’ve ordered

Y’all enjoy.

Here's what our normal day looks like when we go up there...

8(ish) - get to breakfast (usually either Pancake Pantry or Log Cabin.....if you get there around 8ish, you usually will wait less than 15 minutes at PP and probably no wait at all at LC)

9:30ish - get into park and go do ________________________

Lunchtime - stop somewhere in the park for a picnic lunch (sandwiches, chips, etc)

After lunch - do more [whatever] in the park

Grab dinner maybe around 6-7ish. We don't wait in line anywhere b/c even the places you have to wait for aren't very good. Gatlinburg is definitely NOT a "food destination".

After dinner, walk around for an hour or so, then back to the hotel.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft