Originally Posted by Bgrick
For those that have sent out the prayers for Chris and Brad I think you. I am Chris Poole's uncle and a fellow deputy to both. Chris is doing good but is very up set and will need time to get a grip on what all has happened. Chris was very lucky. he was shot in the head at the hair line. The bullet traveled under the scape and around his skull and exited out the back of his head. God was riding with him that day. Chris and Brad only wanted to serve the public and help anyone that needed help. I have talked to both of them about the dangers of the profession and both new what could happen. They both always gave the same response "if I can help somebody in need then that's the chance I'm willing to take". I feel strong in my heart that Brad does not regret his service for one min." I can tell you right now Brads family is hurting but couldn't be more proud of there son. When I got the call of the shooting I had to watch my on son who is also a officer get ready for work and walk out the door and that was a feeling of horror and pride that you can't explain. Thanks again for all the prayers and continue to pray for all officers that put there life on the line every day so we can have a since of security in our lives. God bless Brad Johnson EOW 6/30/2022.

Thoughts are with your nephew and hope he recovers well. Thanks to all LEO’s.

Nathan Carl Goff 19 Sept 2016 - 14 Jan 2017.