Originally Posted by jwalker77
Irish i dont click on this thread to mess with anyone. Like i said earlier, i dont watch news so i click on here every now and then just to see whats going on with it. Then, me being me, i read a couple of the comments and i insert my opinion about what i read. I really dont care about the war too much. As ive stated several times, im much more concerned about whats happening to We the people right here. I believe this war is being used to screw us over. Thats about the extent of my interest in it. Seems to me it dont matter what happens on this planet, its one more reason things get worse on We the people. Every event around the world somehow effects us negatively. You ever notice that? Seems like nothing that happens helps us. I just find that odd. We jave to be the unluckiest people on earth.

Thats a fact right there. Thought the same thing. Just like we’re the earth’s police…and farmer…and doctor…

The harder I practice, the luckier I get.