Originally Posted by Dkhargroves
Originally Posted by Squadron77
Did y'all listen to something different then I did. He said guns weren't the problem and for lawmakers to stop fighting. The biggest problem is the break down of the family and mental health. He talked about responsible gun ownership.

“We need to invest in mental-health care. We need safer schools. We need to restrain sensationalized media coverage. We need to restore our family values, we need to restore our American values, and we need responsible gun ownership,” “Is this a cure-all? Hell no. But people are hurting.”

Apparently everyone sees him as a Hollywood nut and didn't listen. I agreed with a majority of his speech. He plainly stated the Gov has no business telling us what we should think nor messing with the 2nd amendment. Maybe I'm missing the aldeer agenda here?

Liam Neeson his a bigger DOUCHEBAG but folks still watch his stuff. Guess they've forgotten what he said about guns lol

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