Originally Posted by jwalker77
Basically hes saying he enjoys watching film of military crap(things and people getting blown up) and because i dont, im a commie sympathizer. Because i realize Russia and Ukraine, along with all our politicians washing their money in that piece of crap of a country are our enemies, i must love Russia. Thats just dumb. Personally, i believe We the people would have stood up to the bullies running over us already except for dumb people watching the news and believing the fairytale they are being told. We are in a war right here and we have gotten so used to being beat on and stole from that we just lay down and take it.

Also, he's an expert on geo politics but everyone else commenting just wishes and acts like they are. How dare you guys care that our government is sending billions of our tax dollars to one of the most notoriously corrupt governments in the world that our corrupt politicians use as a money laundry mat.