Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by gman
Originally Posted by IDOT
Originally Posted by goodman_hunter

Almost looks like tank has ejection seats (ejecto seato cuz)

I can't believe (2) guys made it out of that tank.

I dont believe that was arty either…or it was a 1 in a thousand shot. Its called indirect fire fore a reason. To hit a moving target…and i didnt see any other rounds impacting…with 1 shot 🤷🏻‍♂️

I believe there was 2 shots. With the drone giving coordinates predicting where the tank is going to be I don't think that shot was impossible, more like probable.

By the way 3 guys ended up escaping out of the tank, which I find almost unbelievable, but it's there on the video. 2 guys jump out almost immediately, and then the driver a little later after the tank is already on fire. Once he jumps out then the tank hits a power pole and stops.

Amazing footage regardless.

My thoughts on the video, the first shot that appeared to miss, was the tank firing. It's hard to tell but I think 3 guys bailed instantly. One on the left and 2 on the right. The guy that appeared to get out of the tank after it hit power lines was the guy, that was on the left side of the road. He was catching up to the tank. It's hard to tell, the way the cut back and forth. I'm assuming the last shot into the woods, took all the tank crews out. But the video didn't make it clear.

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