Originally Posted by Irishguy
I remember when it was 55 and it was unbelievably slow.

I travel a lot for work. This year I just got tired of fighting it out for supremacy in the left lane and decided to simply start setting my cruise control on 70 and be done with it. Now I do that, relax and let the maddening rush of people just pass me right on by jockeying for position in the pack while I'm chillin' in the right lane. Every now and then I press on the gas to get around a slow truck, and then go right back to 70.

It's done two things:

1. It's more relaxing.
2. My full sized Ram 1500 is getting a legit 22mpg on trips.

I will say that when you first start doing it, 70mph seems really slow.

I've spent my whole life going fast, but now that I'm on the north side of 60, I want everything to slow down. I get the feeling that I don't have all the time in the world anymore.

I travel a lot as well, 45-50k miles a year. I’ve run the numbers and hauling azz saves me about 130hrs of travel time each year. To me, my time is a lot more valuable than fuel savings or getting a ticket once every few years. I look forward to a point in life, where I have the option to slow down and enjoy things.