Originally Posted by abolt300
Hears a novel idea. Why "give" any foreign country anything? Especially those countries that have assets. Ukraine is exceptionally rich in natural resources. Supply them with what they need, not cash, but real weapons, with the written understanding that after this is over, we are going to get paid "in full" plus interest, in either hard cash, or from your natural resources. In the case of Ukraine we could be paid back in LNG, mercury, lithium, titanium or whatever. This giving chit to other countries just to be doing it, is stupid on its face. There's only one reason to give another country, that has assets we could use, something for free and that's if you're getting something back, and I'm willing to bet that in almost all cases, it is cold hard, laundered cash, coming back into politician's or their family member's pockets and/or their campaigns. Printing money, devaluing our currency, just to give it away to other countries, is a ridiculous and an unsustainable model that simply cannot continue. Let's use those funds to take care of America and our veterans first, then when we provide aide, make sure we are actually getting something back in return, or have a plan to get it paid back in the future.

Yeah, that's something that most of us here will agree with but it's simply not going to happen nor will it ever, short of DJT back in the Oval Office and another follow up POTUS like Desantis for 8 years. Even then there's a myriad of hurdles to overcome comprised of mostly Dims and Rinos. I still love this country but as time goes on the flame is growing colder. I love it as it was, not so much as it is.