Originally Posted by Here4fun
Johnal have you missed the part that I dont use a freaking decoy? But I dont think a decoy does much. Maybe because mine are old beat up twenty year old buck wings that are covered in dust.

I like a turkey looking around for me. Not strutting 80 yards away out of range for a plastic hen

An aldeer guy came hunting with me the last week of the season though and he had one of those Avainx decoys and that son of a gun was really realistic. Did not help us one bit though.

But I sure dont want to outlaw them because I dont use them. I am a libertarian. I am not for more laws. It is a pretty simple stance. Just like guns laws. We dont need new ones. We need the ones on the books enforced.

I don’t think anyone has missed the 10 times you’ve posted that you don’t use decoys, don’t want any more laws, you limited out, you’re old school, etc. What’s baffling is that you seem to love turkeys and hunting, yet you don’t see that this is ONE of the things that has made a difference in hunting in the 90’s and early 2000’s and could help bring the good times back. I’m done trying. Got better things I can do besides argue with someone with blinders on.

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin