Originally Posted by Here4fun
Originally Posted by TurkeyJoe
Originally Posted by Frankie
Dominant gobbler Theory

OK I've seen this a couple times on here .

What are yall talking about ?

A Dr Chamberlain of Georgia had espoused the theory that if the dominant gobbler gets killed early in the season, it retards the breeding cycle in the flock and is detrimental to the population. I disagree based on my personal experience.

Yea he espoused this theory because every other theory in hunting has been studied, written on and published in hunting magazines like Turkey and Turkey Hunting and Turkey Call and Outdoor Life for the past 50 years ad nauseum and he had to try to come up with a "New spin" and some new idea that hasnt been discussed yearly in every turkey hunting publication.

That is my "Theory" on his idiotic "Theory" only mine is more based on more "facts" than his. rofl


I think that is a good theory on his theory. smile

In any academic discipline, the only way to make a name for yourself is to come up with something new. It doesn't matter a whole lot whether it's true or not; it just needs to be something different enough to get your colleagues to talk about it, and if you are lucky enough, let it filter down to the public. I couldn't have named very many turkey biologists before Chamberlain came along, but now most turkey hunters know who he is. His career really took off when he started using social media to promote his ideas, and a certain segment believed everything he says.

Bible scholars very much know how to use the idea of something new to make themselves famous and leverage that to a better job. There's not much about the Bible that hasn't been studied endlessly, so it's a challenge to come up with something new, but some of them manage to do it. Those biblical theories don't have much affect on the rest of us. Unfortunately, the turkey theories do.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.